Snapshot exporting 📸
Hardware requirements​
To export a mainnet snapshot, you need a setup with at least 16 GB of RAM. On a machine with rapid NVMe, the default export should take around 30 minutes.
The requirements for calibnet snapshots are lower, but it is still recommended to have at least 8 GB of RAM. The export should take less than a minute.
Running the node​
Wait until the node is fully synced. You can use the command:
forest-cli sync wait
Exporting the snapshot​
To export the snapshot with the defaults, run:
forest-cli snapshot export
The snapshot will be exported with 2000 recent stateroots to the current directory. The snapshot will be compressed.
For mainnet, you should expect a file of over 70 GB. For calibnet, you should expect a file of over 5 GB. Note that the snapshot size grows over time.
CLI reference​
Details on the forest-cli snapshot export
command and its subcommands can be found at the CLI reference.