Module forest_filecoin::shim::state_tree

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  • Newtype to wrap different versions of fvm::state_tree::ActorState
  • State of all actor implementations.
  • State of all actor implementations.
  • State of all actor implementations.
  • State of all actor implementations.
  • State root information. Contains information about the version of the state tree, the root of the tree, and a link to the information about the tree.
  • State tree implementation using hamt. This structure is not threadsafe and should only be used in sync contexts.
  • State tree implementation using hamt. This structure is not threadsafe and should only be used in sync contexts.
  • State tree implementation using hamt. This structure is not threadsafe and should only be used in sync contexts.


  • FVM StateTree variant. The new_from_root constructor will try to resolve to a valid StateTree version or fail if we don’t support it at the moment. Other methods usage should be transparent (using shimmed versions of structures introduced in this crate::shim.

Type Aliases§

  • Identifier for Actors, includes builtin and initialized actors