Crate serde_ipld_dagcbor

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DAG-CBOR serialization and deserialization.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

serde_ipld_dagcbor = "0.1.0"

Storing and loading Rust types is easy and requires only minimal modifications to the program code.

use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;

// Types annotated with `Serialize` can be stored as CBOR.
// To be able to load them again add `Deserialize`.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Mascot {
    name: String,
    species: String,
    year_of_birth: u32,

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let ferris = Mascot {
        name: "Ferris".to_owned(),
        species: "crab".to_owned(),
        year_of_birth: 2015,

    let ferris_file = File::create("examples/ferris.cbor")?;
    // Write Ferris to the given file.
    // Instead of a file you can use any type that implements `io::Write`
    // like a HTTP body, database connection etc.
    serde_ipld_dagcbor::to_writer(ferris_file, &ferris)?;

    let tux_file = File::open("examples/tux.cbor")?;
    let tux_reader = BufReader::new(tux_file);
    // Load Tux from a file.
    // Serde CBOR performs roundtrip serialization meaning that
    // the data will not change in any way.
    let tux: Mascot = serde_ipld_dagcbor::from_reader(tux_reader)?;

    println!("{:?}", tux);
    // prints: Mascot { name: "Tux", species: "penguin", year_of_birth: 1996 }


There are a lot of options available to customize the format. To operate on untyped DAG-CBOR values have a look at the [libipld_core::ipld::Ipld] type.

§Type-based Serialization and Deserialization

Serde provides a mechanism for low boilerplate serialization & deserialization of values to and from CBOR via the serialization API. To be able to serialize a piece of data, it must implement the serde::Serialize trait. To be able to deserialize a piece of data, it must implement the serde::Deserialize trait. Serde provides an annotation to automatically generate the code for these traits: #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)].

Read a general CBOR value with an unknown content.

use serde_ipld_dagcbor::from_slice;
use libipld_core::ipld::Ipld;

let slice = b"\x82\x01\xa1aaab";
let value: Ipld = from_slice(slice).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", value); // List([Integer(1), Map({"a": String("b")})])

Serialize an object.

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use serde_ipld_dagcbor::to_vec;

let mut programming_languages = BTreeMap::new();
programming_languages.insert("rust", vec!["safe", "concurrent", "fast"]);
programming_languages.insert("python", vec!["powerful", "friendly", "open"]);
programming_languages.insert("js", vec!["lightweight", "interpreted", "object-oriented"]);
let encoded = to_vec(&programming_languages);
assert_eq!(encoded.unwrap().len(), 103);

§no-std support

Serde CBOR supports building in a no_std context, use the following lines in your Cargo.toml dependencies:

serde = { version = "1.0", default-features = false }
serde_ipld_dagcbor = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false }

Without the std feature the functions from_reader, and to_writer are not exported.

Note: to use derive macros in serde you will need to declare serde dependency like so:

serde = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }


  • Deserialization.
  • When serializing or deserializing DAG-CBOR goes wrong.
  • Serialization.



  • Decodes a value from CBOR data in a reader.
  • Decodes a value from CBOR data in a slice.
  • Serializes a value to a vector.
  • Serializes a value to a writer.