Trait object::read::Object

source ·
pub trait Object<'data>: Sealed {
    type Segment<'file>: ObjectSegment<'data>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type SegmentIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Segment<'file>>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type Section<'file>: ObjectSection<'data>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type SectionIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Section<'file>>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type Comdat<'file>: ObjectComdat<'data>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type ComdatIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Comdat<'file>>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type Symbol<'file>: ObjectSymbol<'data>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type SymbolIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Symbol<'file>>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type SymbolTable<'file>: ObjectSymbolTable<'data, Symbol = Self::Symbol<'file>, SymbolIterator = Self::SymbolIterator<'file>>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;
    type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = (u64, Relocation)>
       where Self: 'file,
             'data: 'file;

Show 33 methods // Required methods fn architecture(&self) -> Architecture; fn is_little_endian(&self) -> bool; fn is_64(&self) -> bool; fn kind(&self) -> ObjectKind; fn segments(&self) -> Self::SegmentIterator<'_>; fn section_by_name_bytes<'file>( &'file self, section_name: &[u8], ) -> Option<Self::Section<'file>>; fn section_by_index(&self, index: SectionIndex) -> Result<Self::Section<'_>>; fn sections(&self) -> Self::SectionIterator<'_>; fn comdats(&self) -> Self::ComdatIterator<'_>; fn symbol_table(&self) -> Option<Self::SymbolTable<'_>>; fn symbol_by_index(&self, index: SymbolIndex) -> Result<Self::Symbol<'_>>; fn symbols(&self) -> Self::SymbolIterator<'_>; fn dynamic_symbol_table(&self) -> Option<Self::SymbolTable<'_>>; fn dynamic_symbols(&self) -> Self::SymbolIterator<'_>; fn dynamic_relocations(&self) -> Option<Self::DynamicRelocationIterator<'_>>; fn imports(&self) -> Result<Vec<Import<'data>>>; fn exports(&self) -> Result<Vec<Export<'data>>>; fn has_debug_symbols(&self) -> bool; fn relative_address_base(&self) -> u64; fn entry(&self) -> u64; fn flags(&self) -> FileFlags; // Provided methods fn sub_architecture(&self) -> Option<SubArchitecture> { ... } fn endianness(&self) -> Endianness { ... } fn section_by_name(&self, section_name: &str) -> Option<Self::Section<'_>> { ... } fn symbol_by_name<'file>( &'file self, symbol_name: &str, ) -> Option<Self::Symbol<'file>> { ... } fn symbol_by_name_bytes<'file>( &'file self, symbol_name: &[u8], ) -> Option<Self::Symbol<'file>> { ... } fn symbol_map(&self) -> SymbolMap<SymbolMapName<'data>> { ... } fn object_map(&self) -> ObjectMap<'data> { ... } fn mach_uuid(&self) -> Result<Option<[u8; 16]>> { ... } fn build_id(&self) -> Result<Option<&'data [u8]>> { ... } fn gnu_debuglink(&self) -> Result<Option<(&'data [u8], u32)>> { ... } fn gnu_debugaltlink(&self) -> Result<Option<(&'data [u8], &'data [u8])>> { ... } fn pdb_info(&self) -> Result<Option<CodeView<'_>>> { ... }
Expand description

An object file.

This is the primary trait for the unified read API.

Required Associated Types§


type Segment<'file>: ObjectSegment<'data> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

A loadable segment in the object file.


type SegmentIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Segment<'file>> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

An iterator for the loadable segments in the object file.


type Section<'file>: ObjectSection<'data> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

A section in the object file.


type SectionIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Section<'file>> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

An iterator for the sections in the object file.


type Comdat<'file>: ObjectComdat<'data> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

A COMDAT section group in the object file.


type ComdatIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Comdat<'file>> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

An iterator for the COMDAT section groups in the object file.


type Symbol<'file>: ObjectSymbol<'data> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

A symbol in the object file.


type SymbolIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = Self::Symbol<'file>> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

An iterator for symbols in the object file.


type SymbolTable<'file>: ObjectSymbolTable<'data, Symbol = Self::Symbol<'file>, SymbolIterator = Self::SymbolIterator<'file>> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

A symbol table in the object file.


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file>: Iterator<Item = (u64, Relocation)> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file

An iterator for the dynamic relocations in the file.

The first field in the item tuple is the address that the relocation applies to.

Required Methods§


fn architecture(&self) -> Architecture

Get the architecture type of the file.


fn is_little_endian(&self) -> bool

Return true if the file is little endian, false if it is big endian.


fn is_64(&self) -> bool

Return true if the file can contain 64-bit addresses.


fn kind(&self) -> ObjectKind

Return the kind of this object.


fn segments(&self) -> Self::SegmentIterator<'_>

Get an iterator for the loadable segments in the file.

For ELF, this is program headers with type PT_LOAD. For Mach-O, this is load commands with type LC_SEGMENT or LC_SEGMENT_64. For PE, this is all sections.


fn section_by_name_bytes<'file>( &'file self, section_name: &[u8], ) -> Option<Self::Section<'file>>

Like Self::section_by_name, but allows names that are not UTF-8.


fn section_by_index(&self, index: SectionIndex) -> Result<Self::Section<'_>>

Get the section at the given index.

The meaning of the index depends on the object file.

For some object files, this requires iterating through all sections.

Returns an error if the index is invalid.


fn sections(&self) -> Self::SectionIterator<'_>

Get an iterator for the sections in the file.


fn comdats(&self) -> Self::ComdatIterator<'_>

Get an iterator for the COMDAT section groups in the file.


fn symbol_table(&self) -> Option<Self::SymbolTable<'_>>

Get the debugging symbol table, if any.


fn symbol_by_index(&self, index: SymbolIndex) -> Result<Self::Symbol<'_>>

Get the debugging symbol at the given index.

The meaning of the index depends on the object file.

Returns an error if the index is invalid.


fn symbols(&self) -> Self::SymbolIterator<'_>

Get an iterator for the debugging symbols in the file.

This may skip over symbols that are malformed or unsupported.

For Mach-O files, this does not include STAB entries.


fn dynamic_symbol_table(&self) -> Option<Self::SymbolTable<'_>>

Get the dynamic linking symbol table, if any.

Only ELF has a separate dynamic linking symbol table. Consider using Self::exports or Self::imports instead.


fn dynamic_symbols(&self) -> Self::SymbolIterator<'_>

Get an iterator for the dynamic linking symbols in the file.

This may skip over symbols that are malformed or unsupported.

Only ELF has dynamic linking symbols. Other file formats will return an empty iterator. Consider using Self::exports or Self::imports instead.


fn dynamic_relocations(&self) -> Option<Self::DynamicRelocationIterator<'_>>

Get the dynamic relocations for this file.

Symbol indices in these relocations refer to the dynamic symbol table.

Only ELF has dynamic relocations.


fn imports(&self) -> Result<Vec<Import<'data>>>

Get the imported symbols.


fn exports(&self) -> Result<Vec<Export<'data>>>

Get the exported symbols that expose both a name and an address.

Some file formats may provide other kinds of symbols that can be retrieved using the low level API.


fn has_debug_symbols(&self) -> bool

Return true if the file contains DWARF debug information sections, false if not.


fn relative_address_base(&self) -> u64

Get the base address used for relative virtual addresses.

Currently this is only non-zero for PE.


fn entry(&self) -> u64

Get the virtual address of the entry point of the binary.


fn flags(&self) -> FileFlags

File flags that are specific to each file format.

Provided Methods§


fn sub_architecture(&self) -> Option<SubArchitecture>

Get the sub-architecture type of the file if known.

A value of None has a range of meanings: the file supports all sub-architectures, the file does not explicitly specify a sub-architecture, or the sub-architecture is currently unrecognized.


fn endianness(&self) -> Endianness

Get the endianness of the file.


fn section_by_name(&self, section_name: &str) -> Option<Self::Section<'_>>

Get the section named section_name, if such a section exists.

If section_name starts with a ‘.’ then it is treated as a system section name, and is compared using the conventions specific to the object file format. This includes:

  • if “.debug_str_offsets” is requested for a Mach-O object file, then the actual section name that is searched for is “__debug_str_offs”.
  • if “.debug_info” is requested for an ELF object file, then “.zdebug_info” may be returned (and similarly for other debug sections). Similarly, if “.debug_info” is requested for a Mach-O object file, then “__zdebug_info” may be returned.

For some object files, multiple segments may contain sections with the same name. In this case, the first matching section will be used.

This method skips over sections with invalid names.


fn symbol_by_name<'file>( &'file self, symbol_name: &str, ) -> Option<Self::Symbol<'file>>

Get the symbol named symbol_name, if the symbol exists.


fn symbol_by_name_bytes<'file>( &'file self, symbol_name: &[u8], ) -> Option<Self::Symbol<'file>>

Like Self::symbol_by_name, but allows names that are not UTF-8.


fn symbol_map(&self) -> SymbolMap<SymbolMapName<'data>>

Construct a map from addresses to symbol names.

The map will only contain defined text and data symbols. The dynamic symbol table will only be used if there are no debugging symbols.


fn object_map(&self) -> ObjectMap<'data>

Construct a map from addresses to symbol names and object file names.

This is derived from Mach-O STAB entries.


fn mach_uuid(&self) -> Result<Option<[u8; 16]>>

The UUID from a Mach-O LC_UUID load command.


fn build_id(&self) -> Result<Option<&'data [u8]>>

The build ID from an ELF NT_GNU_BUILD_ID note.

The filename and CRC from a .gnu_debuglink section.

The filename and build ID from a .gnu_debugaltlink section.


fn pdb_info(&self) -> Result<Option<CodeView<'_>>>

The filename and GUID from the PE CodeView section.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<'data, Elf, R> Object<'data> for ElfFile<'data, Elf, R>
where Elf: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


type Segment<'file> = ElfSegment<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SegmentIterator<'file> = ElfSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Section<'file> = ElfSection<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SectionIterator<'file> = ElfSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Comdat<'file> = ElfComdat<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type ComdatIterator<'file> = ElfComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Symbol<'file> = ElfSymbol<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolIterator<'file> = ElfSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolTable<'file> = ElfSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file> = ElfDynamicRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


impl<'data, Mach, R> Object<'data> for MachOFile<'data, Mach, R>
where Mach: MachHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


type Segment<'file> = MachOSegment<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SegmentIterator<'file> = MachOSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Section<'file> = MachOSection<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SectionIterator<'file> = MachOSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Comdat<'file> = MachOComdat<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type ComdatIterator<'file> = MachOComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Symbol<'file> = MachOSymbol<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolIterator<'file> = MachOSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolTable<'file> = MachOSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file> = NoDynamicRelocationIterator where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


impl<'data, Pe, R> Object<'data> for PeFile<'data, Pe, R>
where Pe: ImageNtHeaders, R: ReadRef<'data>,


type Segment<'file> = PeSegment<'data, 'file, Pe, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SegmentIterator<'file> = PeSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Section<'file> = PeSection<'data, 'file, Pe, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SectionIterator<'file> = PeSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Comdat<'file> = PeComdat<'data, 'file, Pe, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type ComdatIterator<'file> = PeComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Symbol<'file> = CoffSymbol<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolIterator<'file> = CoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolTable<'file> = CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file> = NoDynamicRelocationIterator where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


impl<'data, R> Object<'data> for File<'data, R>
where R: ReadRef<'data>,


type Segment<'file> = Segment<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SegmentIterator<'file> = SegmentIterator<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Section<'file> = Section<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SectionIterator<'file> = SectionIterator<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Comdat<'file> = Comdat<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type ComdatIterator<'file> = ComdatIterator<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Symbol<'file> = Symbol<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolIterator<'file> = SymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolTable<'file> = SymbolTable<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file> = DynamicRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


impl<'data, R, Coff> Object<'data> for CoffFile<'data, R, Coff>
where R: ReadRef<'data>, Coff: CoffHeader,


type Segment<'file> = CoffSegment<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SegmentIterator<'file> = CoffSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Section<'file> = CoffSection<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SectionIterator<'file> = CoffSectionIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Comdat<'file> = CoffComdat<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type ComdatIterator<'file> = CoffComdatIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Symbol<'file> = CoffSymbol<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolIterator<'file> = CoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolTable<'file> = CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R, Coff> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file> = NoDynamicRelocationIterator where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


impl<'data, Xcoff, R> Object<'data> for XcoffFile<'data, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


type Segment<'file> = XcoffSegment<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SegmentIterator<'file> = XcoffSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Section<'file> = XcoffSection<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SectionIterator<'file> = XcoffSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Comdat<'file> = XcoffComdat<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type ComdatIterator<'file> = XcoffComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type Symbol<'file> = XcoffSymbol<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolIterator<'file> = XcoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type SymbolTable<'file> = XcoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file


type DynamicRelocationIterator<'file> = NoDynamicRelocationIterator where Self: 'file, 'data: 'file