Crate fvm_ipld_encoding

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  • Wrapper for serializing and deserializing dynamic sized Bytes.
  • Wrapper for serializing slice of bytes.
  • Error type for encoding and decoding data through any Forest supported protocol.
  • Helper visitor to match Go’s default behaviour of serializing uninitialized slices as null. This will be able to deserialize null as empty Vectors of the type.
  • Raw serialized cbor bytes. This data is (de)serialized as a byte string.


  • CodecProtocol defines the protocol in which the data is encoded or decoded


  • CBOR should be used to pass CBOR data when internal links don’t need to be traversable/reachable. When a CBOR block is loaded, said links will not be added to the reachable set.
  • DagCBOR should be used for all IPLD-CBOR data where CIDs need to be traversable.
  • RAW should be used for raw data.


  • CborDeprecated
    Cbor utility functions for serializable objects
  • Wrapper for database to handle inserting and retrieving ipld data with Cids
