Function libipld_core::serde::to_ipld

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pub fn to_ipld<T>(value: T) -> Result<Ipld, SerdeError>
where T: Serialize,
Expand description

Serialize into instances of crate::ipld::Ipld.

All Rust types can be serialized to crate::ipld::Ipld, here is a list of how they are converted:

  • bool -> Ipld::Bool
  • i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize -> Ipld::Integer
  • f32, f64 -> Ipld::Float
  • char, String -> Ipld::String
  • slices -> Ipld::List
  • struct
    • struct -> Ipld::Map
    • newtype struct -> the value the struct wraps
    • tuple struct -> Ipld::List
    • unit struct -> cannot be serialized, it errors
  • enum:
    • unit variant -> Ipld::String of the variant name
    • newtype variant -> single element Ipld::Map, key: variant name, value: the one the newtype wraps
    • tuple variant -> single element Ipld::Map, key: variant name, value: Ipld::List
    • struct variant -> single element Ipld::Map, key: variant name, value: Ipld::Map
  • unit (()) -> cannot be serialized, it errors

There are also common compound types that are supported:


use serde::Serialize;
use libipld_core::ipld::Ipld;
use libipld_core::serde::to_ipld;

struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    hobbies: Vec<String>,
    is_cool: bool,

let person = Person {
    name: "Hello World!".into(),
    age: 52,
    hobbies: vec!["geography".into(), "programming".into()],
    is_cool: true,

let ipld = to_ipld(person);
assert!(matches!(ipld, Ok(Ipld::Map(_))));