Module forest_filecoin::shim::fvm_latest::syscalls

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  • The syscall context. Allows syscalls to access the [Kernel] and the actor’s memory.
  • A “linker” for exposing syscalls to wasm modules.
  • Represents a Wasm memory. All methods are inexpensive and time-bounded, regardless of the inputs. It’s usually not necessary to explicitly account for the gas costs of calling these methods a small (< 5) constant number of times while handling a syscall.


  • Represents an actor “abort”. Returning an Abort from a syscall will cause the currently running actor to exit and may cause part or all of the actor call stack to unwind.
  • ControlFlow is a general-purpose enum for returning a control-flow decision from a syscall.


  • The helper trait used by Syscall to convert kernel results with execution errors into results that can be handled by the wasm vm. See the documentation on Syscall for details.
  • A Syscall is a function in the form fn(Context<'_, K>, I...) -> R where: