Module filecoin_proofs_api::seal

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Proof-of-Replication for sealing, unsealing, and verifying data sectors




  • Computes a NUL-byte prefix and/or suffix for source using the provided piece_lengths and piece_size (such that the source, after preprocessing, will occupy a subtree of a Merkle tree built using the bytes from target), runs the resultant byte stream through the preprocessor, and writes the result to target. Returns a tuple containing the number of bytes written to target (source plus alignment) and the commitment.
  • Given a porep_config and a list of seal commit outputs, this method aggregates those proofs (naively padding the count if necessary up to a power of 2) and returns the aggregate proof bytes.
  • Ensure that any persisted cached data for specified sector size is discarded.
  • Ensure that any persisted layers are discarded.
  • Ensure that any persisted synthetic proofs are discarded.
  • Computes a sectors’s comm_d data commitment given its pieces.
  • Arguments
  • fauxrep2 is a faster way to generate sectors for network genesis setup by reusing data from a previously generated sector.
  • Generates a piece commitment for the provided byte source. Returns an error if the byte source produced more than piece_size bytes.
  • Generate and persist synthetic Merkle tree proofs for sector replica. Must be called with output from seal_pre_commit_phase2.
  • Generate Merkle tree for the label layers (TreeC) and return the root hash (CommC).
  • Generate Merkle tree for sector replica (TreeRLast) and return the root hash (CommRLast).
  • Given the specified arguments, this method returns the inputs that were used to generate the seal proof. This can be useful for proof aggregation, as verification requires these inputs.
  • Unseals the sector at sealed_path and returns the bytes for a piece whose first (unpadded) byte begins at offset and ends at offset plus num_bytes, inclusive. Note that the entire sector is unsealed each time this function is called.
  • Unseals the sector read from sealed_sector, memory maps the sector into virtal memory, and returns the bytes for a piece whose first (unpadded) byte begins at offset and ends at offset plus num_bytes, inclusive. Note that the entire sector is unsealed each time this function is called.
  • Generate label layers (SDR).
  • Generate Merkle tree proofs for sector replica. Must be called with output from seal_pre_commit_phase2.
  • Generates zk-SNARK proof for sector replica. Must be called with output of seal_commit_phase1.
  • Generates zk-SNARK proof for sector replica. Must be called with output of seal_commit_phase1.
  • First step in sector sealing process. Called before seal_pre_commit_phase2. Reads unsealed data from in_path, generates sealed data and writes to out_path.
  • Second phase of seal precommit operation, must be called with output of seal_pre_commit_phase1. Generates comm_r replica commitment from outputs of previous step.
  • Unseals the sector read from sealed_sector and returns the bytes for a piece whose first (unpadded) byte begins at offset and ends at offset plus num_bytes, inclusive. Note that the entire sector is unsealed each time this function is called.
  • Given a porep_config, an aggregate proof, a list of seeds and a combined and flattened list of public inputs, this method verifies the aggregate seal proof.
  • Verify multiple proofs of sealed sector. Each input argument is an ordered vector corresponding to the proof to verify.
  • Verify a single proof of a sealed sector.
  • Writes bytes from source to target, adding bit-padding (“preprocessing”) as needed. Returns a tuple containing the number of bytes written to target and the commitment.