Attribute Macro ambassador::delegate_remote

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Make an existing type that lives outside you crate delegate traits to it’s members

This can be done by copy-pasting it’s definition into your code under this attribute.

If the type is a struct, not all the fields have to be public, only the ones being delegated to.

use ambassador::{delegate_remote, delegatable_trait};

pub trait Shout {
    fn shout(&self, input: &str) -> String;

pub struct Cat;

impl Shout for Cat {
    fn shout(&self, input: &str) -> String {
        format!("{} - meow!", input)

mod wrapped {
    pub struct WrappedAnimals<A, B> {
        pub foo: A,
        pub bar: B,
        baz: u32, // private field

use wrapped::*;

#[delegate(Shout, target = "bar")]
struct WrappedAnimals<A, B> {
    foo: A,
    bar: B,
    // We don't even have to include baz since we don't delegate to it